Acupuncture and Pain
The ancient Asian art of acupuncture is best known for its ability to successfully relieve pain and treat its causes. In Chinese medicine, pain is viewed as an obstruction of Qi energy and blood in meridian energy paths due to injury, muscular tension, inflammation, sprains, or pathogenic invasions of cold and dampness. After an Initial Oriental Medical Examination at The Emperor’s Medicine, we can determine what will be the most efficient and most effective treatment. Contact us today for more information about our practice and to schedule your consultation appointment in Naperville.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is using an acupuncture needle to needle to penetrate the skin and treat active trigger points in the underlying muscular structure. A trigger point is an internal contracture or tightening in a muscle fiber that can impact function, restrict the range of motion, cause pain, or create local tenderness. When needles are inserted into the body they target these trigger points, loosening muscles, increasing blood flow, and alleviating pain. This is most commonly used for managing muscle pain and movement impairments throughout the body. With over 20 years of experience practicing trigger point therapy and advanced certifications in Dry Needling, Dr. Selma Gladney, DAOM is an expert in this field.
At The Emperor’s Medicine, we address the root cause of chronic pain, limited range of motion, and many other ailments by using acupuncture, functional medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine to help the body heal itself. Every patient is unique and requires unique treatment. After an Initial Oriental Medical Examination, we can determine what will be the most efficient and most effective treatment. Give us a call today and schedule a consultation to find out how Dr. Selma Gladney and her team can help you.
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