Acupuncture and Cancer Care
Dr Selma Gladney, DAOM has learned evidenced-based acupuncture in cancer care through The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. MD Anderson Cancer Center is one of the largest cancer research centers in the United States where she has learned how to treat cancer patients through modern acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine research. We are not curing cancer but we are treating the side effects of cancer treatments. Dr. Selma has received cancer patients from Edwards Hospital, RUSH Copley Medical Center, and many other hospitals in the area. She has also spoken at Edwards Hospital Oncology Department and Oncologist at RUSH Copley Hospital. She receives cancer patients from all across Illinois.
Our goal is that each person impacted by cancer may enhance their quality of life through the safe and effective delivery of acupuncture. Acupuncture can be successfully and safely integrated with conventional cancer treatments to improve the outcome for cancer patients.
Call The Emperor’s Medicine today for a consultation!
Why Choose The Emperor's Medicine
Dr. Selma Gladney, DAOM, is a functional medicine doctor and doctor of acupuncture who has vast experience helping patients with chronic disorders and health conditions. She has studied acupuncture and Chinese medicine at the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center, one of the largest cancer research centers in the United States. Through her work there, she learned how to effectively help cancer patients with both modern acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine approaches. Many patients from Edwards Hospital, RUSH Copley Medical Center, and many other hospitals in the area are referred to The Emperor's Medicine for our cancer care services.
Acupuncture can be successfully and safely integrated with conventional cancer treatments to improve the outcome for cancer patients. If you or a loved one is struggling with cancer, we encourage you to reach out to our team at The Emperor's Medicine. We offer a unique and holistic approach to cancer care that can help improve quality of life and reduce the side effects of conventional treatments. To learn more about our services, or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.
Voted Naperville's Best Acupuncture Clinic in 2023 & 2024!